Soul Coaching for Teens focuses on enhancing the life of the teen and teaching skills to balance and integrate the many aspects of life. The sessions include defining what is truly important and valuable, setting a precise set of goals and defining an action plan to carry them out. Life Coaching sessions are action-oriented, solution-oriented and the spotlight is on moving forward and turning goals into reality with as little stress as possible.
Many teens who come for Life Coaching are very smart and competent. They are usually driven and have high expectations for themselves and the life they wish to create. They want to make a difference in the world and don’t want to waste time, get stuck or lost along the way. These teens realize and value the importance of having someone help them think outside the box.
Meeting regularly with a certified Life Coach can help a teen:
- Reach their Goals: Helps teens set more realistic goals that inspire them. A coach will help identify what they want and set achievable goals that they really want and value. Value-based goals are naturally motivating.
- Gain Clarity: When a teen is clear on what they want, they tend to make the right choices and make fewer mistakes.
- Stay Focused: A coach will help a teen see where they are in their life and where they want to go. Staying focused on their goals and not someone else’s will help a teen stay motivated and inspired as they work towards obtaining their goals. They will grow from the process as they uncover their own value and special gifts and talents.
- Reduce Stress: Because life coaching is action-oriented it focuses on the doing. You will notice your teen will be able to accomplish goals more quickly and learn to be more productive and efficient with their time.
- Success: A coach will help a teen improve the quality of their daily life. They will be shown ways to accelerate their goals while being more effective, peaceful and happy. Success builds upon success and life coaching will teach them at a young age some important tools and skills to help them master the art of living well.
Life as we know it is changing. Young people are no longer satisfied with a life that focuses on “me” and “mine”. They are striving for something larger than themselves. The trend of young people seeking to create a more meaningful life for themselves has accelerated over the past few years. People in their 20’s are re-evaluating what the good life actually is. Many do not have the same goals as the previous generations of marriage, 2.5 kids, a home in the suburbs, a secure job, a retirement fund, 2 nice cars and a few vacations each year. This generation is creating their own game of life and making up their own rules.
Many Life Coaches have embraced these changes themselves, have learnt the art of conscious choice making and live a deep and meaningful life. They have created their own lives, not a life according to cultural standards and are deeply rooted in the truth of who they are and what they are here to do. Let us help your teen move towards the realization of living a life with passion, energy and dreams. It is time to think creatively; to take risks and to point the way for them to follow their God-given dreams. It is time to change the world.