Life Coaching


Life Coaching is an investment in yourself that will benefit you for the rest of your life

As a Life Coach with a special orientation toward living consciously, I will partner with you to help you pin point areas in your life where you may be blocked or where your actions are not producing the results you require to create a meaningful and productive life. It is my role as coach, to support you in making powerful changes by exploring your options and making sense of your challenges.

Using a unique coaching system that incorporates a blend of approaches that I have cultivated through certification in Life Coaching, NLP, Morita and Naikan Therapy, and the Kaizan Method, we will examine your life, put things into perspective, and look at the strategies available so that you can honor your inner-longings and start living life in a more truthful and significant way.

This coaching system will help you through transitions and leverage your experiences into greater consciousness, bringing about transformation and restoring balance in all areas of your life. Coaching can be about personal growth, career, money, family or healthy lifestyle changes.

Each coaching session is customized to fit your needs and goals and can help you:

  • relax and enjoy a level of confident authenticity that naturally dissolves limitations and moves you in a direction that brings prosperity, not just financially, but on every level
  • let some of the balls you’re juggling drop to the ground when you reach for a new one
  • gain clarity
  • express your feelings in a safe environment
  • help you stretch further than you think possible
  • form new neurological pathways that empower you to move with ease and grace through life’s changes
  • hold yourself accountable for your actions and behaviors
  • reach your goals faster and easier than you would alone
  • answer questions and suggest short cuts that you are not aware of
  • seek out things that are most conducive to your ultimate goal
  • give yourself permission to close doors behind you so that new ones can open
  • learn from your past mistakes and start creating a better life for yourself
  • release the “Shoulda Woulda Coulda’s” from your life and start living life on your own terms
  • go beyond your perceived limitations and step outside yourself so that you are continually evolving
  • become a whole person at peace with yourself and your choices.


The benefits of my life coaching system can be immediate and often last a life time. As your life coach I will offer you valuable suggestions or ask questions in ways that change your thinking immediately.

Instead of just living an ordinary, unconscious life, our sessions together can create a radical shift in your beliefs and give you the tools to live an awakened life filled with freedom and joy.

As you consider the following benefits of life coaching, imagine your life transformed when you:

  • Reach your full potential, and start to live your unlived dreams
  • Prioritize actions and intentions
  • Shorten the time frame to achieving your goals
  • Get organized and develop structure in your life
  • Go beyond what you would normally do on your own and get great results
  • Achieve more balance of body, mind and soul
  • Reduce your stress level
  • Unlock new options and hidden talents
  • Master the art of being truly alive in the present moment
  • Develop healthier life-style habits
  • Find balance between work and home
  • Get motivated
  • Clearly define your next step on your life journey
  • Build a good framework to take your power back and reach for the stars

Over time, I have developed deep listening skills and I have a variety of life experiences to draw upon. I am intuitive, have good perception, am creative and can help you step into and own your full potential.


Coaching sessions can take place in my home office, over the phone, or over the Internet. It is not required for a coach and client to have met in-person for the sessions to be powerful and successful. A combination of all the above can also work well.

  • The first step is a consultation. The consultation allows us to get to know each other, to determine whether coaching is right for you, and to decide if we are a good fit. You will achieve your goals at a much faster rate if you and your coach have rapport. Selecting a life coach is an important decision.  For this reason, I offer a complimentary consultation with no obligations. Email me at to schedule your free session.
  • If you choose to go ahead with life coaching, our first meeting involves discussing your goals and challenges, and where you are in your life. This helps me to get to know you and to understand your needs so that I can design a coaching plan to help you achieve your ultimate goals
  • In the sessions that follow, I will support and encourage your personal growth, help you gain knowledge, and prioritize action toward a better future.
  • Coaching is essential to gaining clarity, learning better ways to live, and taking inspired action to turn your intentions into reality. I will support you to achieve specific, agreed upon goals by developing self-knowledge and bringing out your full potential.
  • I will suggest some tools and exercises that suit you and will help you move forward. I will help you organize and plan realistic steps you can take toward balancing your life and creating successful outcomes.


A coach is not a therapist.  Life coaching is different from therapy in that life coaching stays focused on the present, helping you to understand where you are today and what you want to accomplish and the direction you want to go in. Life coaching is action-oriented and it focuses on the positive and doable while holding you responsible for your behaviors and actions. Life coaching focuses on the present and the future. A life coach will work alongside you and support you while you implement the agreed upon changes and develop new skills for living more fully.

In the midst of life’s many obstacles and uncertainties,the most important thing is that you take action,be kind to yourself ,and start allowing life’s exquisite beauty and happinessto infuse all dimensions of your life path.

Life coaching cycles run at $540 per cycle. A cycle includes 4 coaching sessions for 45 – 60 minutes per session. You may also purchase an individual session for $140.   
Coaching: $140