May we join together in creating a co-operative, kind, compassionate, happy and healthy world. Together we can bring about positive changes and grow in love, peace, abundance and joy for everyone to enjoy.

Eckhart Tolle
Eckhart Tolle offers profound yet simple teachings to find inner peace and deep fulfillment. The heart of his teachings is about living with more consciousness and awareness. Eckhard Tolle TV is a subscription service where you can enjoy monthly guided meditations and up-to-date teachings.
Thich Nhat Hanh
Thich Nhat Hanh is a Buddhist monk, teacher, poet, peace activist and author of over 100 books. Nhat Hanh has played an important role in the development of Western Buddhism. He now lives at Plum Village Monastery in France.
Richard Bandler
Richard Bandler is the co-inventor of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), a tool to help understand and change human behavior patterns. Bandler is an author and co-author of numerous books on NLP. He runs seminars and workshops internationally.
Amma is often referred to as “The Hugging Saint”. She inspires and transforms through her embrace. Amma is a humanitarian and shares her unconditional love and wisdom through her charities “Embracing the World.”
David R Hawkins
Hawkins is a pioneer in the fields of consciousness research and spirituality. He is well-known for his work on applied kinesiology.
The Chopra Center
Deepak Chopra's Website – Seminars, Inspiration and Wellness technology.
Hay House Inc.
Louise Hay says it the best – 'Look Within'. Books, Spirituality and Self Improvement.
Diana Cooper
Diana Cooper is a long time authority on Angels and provides Angel Chat, Angel cards and Light Worker courses.
The International Center for Reiki Training.
A spiritual development center focusing on Reiki Training. A wealth of information, free articles and downloads.
Diane Stein
Diane Stein is a leader in the Reiki field. She is the author of 25 books on women's spirituality and Reiki. Her website offers exquisite crystal jewelery and flower essences for healing and womans empowerment.
Bev Moss
A center of empowerment reconnecting you to your higher self. Aromatherapy, Meditations, Reflexology, Self Mastery and Hands on healing.
Barbara Brennan
Barbara Brennan is the founder of the Barbara Brennan school of Healing. A powerful healing system that works with each persons unique energy consciousness to bring about physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health.
Resources to maintain your health the natural way.
Byron Katie
Byron Katie is truly an inspiring spiritual teacher. Through the development of a deep thought provoking process known as "The Work". She can help you peel away the outer layers and illusions so that you can eliminate the root cause of suffering and reinvent the story you tell yourself.
Pema Chodron
Pema Chodron is well known for her engaging and delightful interpretation of Tibetan Buddhism for western students.
The Dalai Lama
The website of the leader-in-exile of the Tibetan people, His Holiness the Dalai Lama. The site shares information on the life of the Dalai Lama, his teachings and messages as well as events, webcasts and a photo gallery.
Natural Health Web
Resources to maintain your health the natural way.
Doreen Virtue
Doreen Virtue is a clairvoyant Doctor of Psychology and author of over 25 books. She offers advice on connecting with the angels, archangels and how too invite more enchantment into your life with the Angels and Ascended Masters.
An online community for spiritually minded people.
A comprehensive resource of self development tools.
The Abraham teachings remind us of the importance of JOY in our live in creating all that we desire. They beautifully show how the Law of Attraction works to bring abundance into our lives.
A Course in Miracles
An informative website dedicated to honoring the teachings and to assist each person in connecting with their own internal teacher.
ToDo Institute
The ToDo Institute is dedicated to sharing the wisdom of Japanese Psychology through Morita Therapy and Naikan. Although these methods originate in Eastern philosophy they provide rich insight into mindfulness, gratitude, living with purpose and many other wonderful aspects that integrate delightfully into contemporary western society.
Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
Wayne Dyer is the Author of Wisdom of the Ages, The Power of Intention and many more. As well as providing Spiritual Wisdom, Books and Audios, he also offers some wonderful contemporary E-cards.
Isha Lerner
A beautiful collection of Goddess, Inner child and Flower E-cards for you to send to friends.
Llewellyn Publications
Health, Astrology, Self Help, Magick and more. They sell Tarot decks, books and calendars.
Shambhala Publications
A large resource of spirituality based books and audio programs. Plus some beautiful Zen artwork.

"Wheresoever you go, go with all your heart"
– Confucius