It is an important step on our spiritual journey to learn to listen to our hearts and to observe life as it is happening around us. Often we spend so much time in our “heads”, trying to find the right solution to every problem we are faced with, that we end up feeling more confused and fearful. It takes courage to let go and follow our hearts!
As a Numerologist, I truly believe in the importance of knowing oneself at a deep level. Only once we fully understand who we are; our needs, our dreams, our soul purpose and our talents, can we be effective in leading empowered lives. Knowing thyself, is the key to living a great life!
Learning to listen to our heart and to tune in to our heart’s desire is the first step in following our passion and living the life here on earth that we were meant to live. Within our hearts we carry our deepest longings and dreams. It is our individual responsibility to care about ourselves, our children and our planet enough so that we fully embrace our dreams.
Give yourself permission today, to take some quiet time for yourself. Spend time in Nature and connect with the feelings in your heart. Remember all your dreams and goals.
Write a “Life List” of all the things you long to experience. Make a commitment to start living your dream today!