Category Archives: Insight Readings

Using Tarot, Angel Readings, and Numerology to help you live your life consciously and soulfully.


ANGELS OF PISCES Pisces The Fish February 20 – March 20 Pisces is the twelfth and the last sign of the Zodiac. Pisces is the most romantic and idealistic sign. Relationships are a top priority for Pisceans. The giving and … Continue reading

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Archangel Zadkiel and the Angels of the Violet Ray

Archangel Zadkiel is known as the Angel of Transmutation and Freedom. Zadkiels name means “Righteousness of God”. He helps us to find love and acceptance in our hearts, as we willingly release lower vibrations and soar to a higher plane … Continue reading

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During my Angel Readings, I was made aware of the need for stillness in our very busy lives. Here is a message reflecting on the nature of stillness as it relates to Angel Messages. Come with me into the stillness … Continue reading

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Gods and Godesses of the New Earth

I hope you enjoy the wisdom and insight from this article. I found it very enlightening and inspiring and am grateful that I am able to share it with my visitors. Article channeled from Archangel Michael through Kate Spreckley In … Continue reading

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 The value of life can be measured by how many times your soul has been deeply stirred….. I love to travel. Visiting new places, meeting interesting people and discovering the history, myth and magic of a special spot in the … Continue reading

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Angel of Love

During Insight Readings, one of the strongest messages that always comes through is one of Love. Dear Ones open your heart to receive all the love you so richly deserve. You deserve the blessings of true love and oneness in your … Continue reading

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Angel of New Beginnings

As we approach the end of January it is important to acknowledge the accomplishments we have made this month. January is the month of new beginnings, setting goals for the New Year, making lists of all we wish to achieve … Continue reading

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Tarot – The Magician and The Law of Attraction

The Magician Master Manifester “As above so below” The Magician in the Tarot deck is a splendid representation of the Law of Attraction in progress. The Magician symbolizes the ability to manifest and create a magical life. From the Magician … Continue reading

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Reiki Angels

I have been a Reiki Master for many years. I have a great amount of respect for this healing method. Reiki brings about many profound changes on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level. Reiki is a blessing in my … Continue reading

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Indigo and Crystal Children

The New Psychic Children This has been an exciting week! Both in the UK and USA, television shows on psychic and Indigo children have aired. What a response this brought about. I received dozens of emails from people in both … Continue reading

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