Indigo Intentions offers training in Reiki, Tarot, and Japanese Psychology to support, enhance, and deepen your journey into a Soul Centered Life. Each of these training experiences helps you integrate life experience, release outmoded patterns and beliefs, and fill your self-care toolbox with powerful, life-changing skills. These skills will transform and accelerate self-cultivation and free you to heal your own life and the lives of others.
As you consider which training path is right for you, bear in mind that for Reiki, Tarot, and Japanese Psychology, I remain committed to teaching each of these in its traditional form. For Reiki, I teach Traditional Usui Reiki; for Tarot I teach traditional Tarot; and for Japanese Psychology I teach Morita and Naikan Therapy. You will find, as I have, that traditions that are deeply rooted in authentic, highly cultivated, and time-tested practices, not only connects you with your ancestors who clairvoyantly accessed these practices, but also evokes the deepest resources of Soul that reside at the heart of your being.
I invite you to join me on an exciting path of self-discovery and growth that is your birth-rite. Your ancestors will be smiling along the way with you.