Never, Never Give Up

As we journey through life we encounter many different feelings and emotions. Sometimes we feel happy, sometimes sad, despondent, depressed, shy, lonely, joyful, content, appreciated, or cheerful and so the list goes on. It is easy to live fully when we feel happy and loved as opposed to the times we feel sad or lonely.  In the end, it will be those who never gave up on themselves who will find the true meaning of living a full, rich and abundant life. You will make mistakes along the way that is guaranteed, but always continue with the spirit of knowing you will find your way, no matter how many times you have to start over. Set your mind and heart on your goal, and with discipline and determination, follow through with the necessary action as you continually move closer to your dream life one step at a time. Life can be demanding and difficult at times but you are strong and you are powerful.  Next time life knocks you down – get up and keep going and remember these wise words from Winston Churchill, “Never, never, never give up!”

 There is something about the human spirit that desires to live a full life and transcend problems. Even if you are experiencing some challenging times right now, such as a financial crisis, contemplating a divorce or separation, or dealing with the loss of a relationship, depression, a career transition, an illness, or searching for more purpose in your life, know that beneath all the chaos, grief, pain or confusion is a budding blossom of hope, grace and reason. Marsha Sinetar is quoted saying, “Life's ups and downs provide windows of opportunity to determine your values and goals. Think of using all obstacles as stepping stones to build the life you want.”  Allow your past experiences to be your greatest teachers and as a spur towards living a life you feel proud of. Stay focused on your priorities and move boldly in the direction of your dreams. Just below the surface something magical is happening. Let yourself explore and discover your true heartsong.

 It is in doing that we find meaning and purpose. Our doing can also become our identity in the world. While living life fully and taking action, we discover who we are and what we are made of.  It is important to take deliberate action and setting an intention can help you to be certain that the actions taken support the choices you have made. Intentions pass into the reality of action and from the action stems the intention again; this interdependence produces the greatest form of living.

Life is always kept in balance, so as you invite a new project or activity into your life, or you consciously decide to change directions,  you will be required to make a choice to release something you no longer need or something that no longer supports your choices and goals. Life is always asking you to make choices. Consider what needs to be done in order to put your intentions into action.

 If you choose to get up early and do an hour of yoga in the morning, then you will need to give up on an extra hour of sleep. If you spend time writing the book you want to publish, then you may need to skip a favorite TV show. You have to choose your priorities and then stick to them.  In the next 3 months you can move closer to living your dream life. Remember that if you make mistakes along the way, tomorrow you can begin again!


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