Tag Archives: Naikan

Indigo Intentions Training

Indigo Intentions offers training in Reiki, Tarot, and Japanese Psychology to support, enhance, and deepen your journey into a Soul Centered Life. Each of these training experiences helps you integrate life experience, release outmoded patterns and beliefs, and fill your … Continue reading

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How to Develop a Grateful Mind: The Best Medicine There Is

There is one sure fire medicine that cures all difficulty and opens the way for your greatest good. It allows you to sleep well at night, wake up refreshed and filled with enthusiasm. Obstacles evaporate and wonderful possibilities appear. This … Continue reading

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Living Life Fully with Passion and Purpose – Learning to take Action!

  My Mom always used to say as I left for school in the morning; “Remember to make the very most of your day!” Now at age 37, I see the value and the wisdom in what she was sharing … Continue reading

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Japanese Psychology and Purposeful Living

30 000 days is the average number of days a person living a western life-style can expect to live, although none of us know for sure how long we have here on earth.  Saying, for a moment, that you have … Continue reading

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