Tag Archives: Japanese Psychology

How to Develop a Grateful Mind: The Best Medicine There Is

There is one sure fire medicine that cures all difficulty and opens the way for your greatest good. It allows you to sleep well at night, wake up refreshed and filled with enthusiasm. Obstacles evaporate and wonderful possibilities appear. This … Continue reading

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Overcoming Procrastination-How to Do What You Need to Do When You Don’t Feel Like

“Give up on yourself. Begin taking action now, while being neurotic or imperfect, or a procrastinator or unhealthy or lazy or any other label by which you inaccurately describe yourself. Go ahead and be the best imperfect person you can … Continue reading

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How to Stay Calm When Life Isn’t

No matter what is happening in the world around us, it is never necessary to become caught in depression, fear or other negativity. We are not the victims of the world we see, but have the ability to mobilize ourselves … Continue reading

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Finding Inner Peace

Many of us want to attain a feeling of self-acceptance and contentment that will allow us to live to the fullest with minimal worry, stress, or fear. We are constantly looking for ways to feel good about who we are … Continue reading

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Help for Neglected Relationships

It is not often that I recommend a course or an on-line program but this one is an exception. I have participated in the Renewing your Relationship online course run by the ToDo Institute and it is a wonderful program … Continue reading

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A Natural Approach to Mental Wellness – A Book Review

This courageous book takes on the establishment norms of talk therapy and pharmacology and offers a simple, natural and clear alternative to achieving good Mental Health. Instead of the old worn paths of focusing on our problems, Gregg Krech talks about the 4 … Continue reading

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Japanese Psychology and Purposeful Living

30 000 days is the average number of days a person living a western life-style can expect to live, although none of us know for sure how long we have here on earth.  Saying, for a moment, that you have … Continue reading

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