Tag Archives: Gratitude

Life Always Supports You!

“Mindfulness is not the path of chasing. It is the path of beautification. When flowers blossom, the fragrance spreads, and the bees come.” ―Amit Ray  Many people spend a lot of time second-guessing themselves? Maybe you are one of them? Do … Continue reading

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The Gratitude Game

“When you are grateful fear disappears and abundance appears” – Anthony Robbins   When you experience the emotions of fear, disappointment, sadness, anger or envy, you lower your energy level. Holding onto such emotions can result as extreme stress, insomnia, anxiety … Continue reading

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Love your Money!

Money is neither good nor bad, it is energy. The way you choose to use your money determines the positive or negative impact it has on your life and the world around you. Money can be used as a positive … Continue reading

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Mindful Abundance

"He has achieved success who has lived well, laughed often, and loved much" -Elbert Hubbard Take a few moments and consider what abundance really means to you? True abundance is aligning with the overflowing fullness that is present in every … Continue reading

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Count Your Blessings – Benefits of Feeling More Gratitude

Gratitude is so much more than just a "feel good" emotion. Feeling gratitude is your connection to your spirit as you share in the beauty of life. Gratitude is your spirit playing with life, looking for the many good things, … Continue reading

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Unwrapping Life’s Gifts

I have just finished decorating the Christmas tree, a tradition I have enjoyed for many years. As each year passes, I am reminded of the many blessings I have received. Each ornament tells a special story, a decoration from our … Continue reading

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