The Number 11 and 11/11/11


"Stop the words now. Open the window in the center of your chest,

and let spirit fly in and out."        –Rumi


In November of 2011 a very interesting date is coming; 11/11/11. This powerful numeric sequence will only happen once in your lifetime. We've been through almost all the magic number combinations; starting with 1/1/01. The last one will be next year on 12/12/12. The energy has been intensifying, building towards the culmination on December 12th of next year.

What's all the fuss about numbers and dates? Ask a numerologist. The day and time you were born is very significant in your life. Certain dates coincide with planetary alignments and impact us, whether we are aware of it or not. Eleven is a very special number. It is a prime number, meaning it can only be evenly divided by 1 and itself. Mathematicians have recently shown that 11 dimensions may exist in the universe, where time ceases to flow. Many physicists also believe there is an 11th dimension. The multidimensional hyperspace of the 11th dimension is thought to correspond to particles that form the basis of everything – all matter and energy – ever in existence. The Christian Bible says God inhabits eternity, and since time ceases to flow in the 11th dimension, the 11th dimension can be considered the dwelling place of God. Pretty interesting if you follow scientific theory as related to religion and the number 11. In numerology, 11 is the number of intuition, patience, honesty and spirituality. It is a Master Number, representing the Light within all and the awareness of Universal relationship. Eleven represents the energy of opposites achieving balance.

Here is The Universal Healing Meditation for use on 11/11/11: Be in a place where you are not likely to be disturbed. Close your eyes and take a deep breath. Exhale slowly. As you exhale, focus on releasing any tension in your body, mind and emotions. When you feel ready, ask Love, Light and Healing energy to flow to and through your body, all the organs, cells, molecules, and atoms. Feel the Love, Light and Healing energy flowing to you and through you, bringing you peace and healing. Ask Love, Light and Healing energy to flow to all the people on planet earth. Ask Love, Light and Healing energy to flow to all the plants on planet earth. Ask Love, Light and Healing energy to flow to all the animals on planet earth. Ask Love, Light and Healing energy to flow to all the elements of planet earth. The Water The Fire The Rocks, minerals and dirt and The Air. Ask Love, Light and Healing energy to flow to the entire planet, healing her wounds. Ask Love, Light and Healing energy to flow to all the planets in our solar system. Ask Love, Light and Healing energy to flow to all Dimensions. Feel your connection to all creation through Source Energy and Be at Peace.

On 11/11/11, powerful energetic forces will be at work, in our lives and on our planet. Set aside some time on that day for spiritual practice. Meditate. Contemplate. Connect with Spirit and feel the presence of the Divine in your life.

Written by  Cynthia Tierra -Cynthia

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Live Fully Now

HOW TO MAXIMIZE YOUR POTENTIAL – On-line course coming soon!

Carol O'Dowd and Bridget Lambert, will be offering an on-line  course teaching skills to help maximize your potential and awaken to the opportunities present in your life.   The course will include a workbook, on-line discussions and phone coaching.  You will be able to download a wide variety of exercises for connecting with life as well as techniques to accomplish that difficult task of letting go of limiting behaviors and beliefs.

Topics in the course will include how to: – connect to life with mindfulness

– release and replace limiting beliefs

– place attention to produce positive result

– take small steps to a rewarding life

– practice gratitude for seen and unseen blessings

– lighten up and have fun

On-line course registration and course workbook will be available soon. Please contact Bridget at for more details

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A Natural Approach to Mental Wellness – A Book Review

This courageous book takes on the establishment norms of talk therapy and pharmacology and offers a simple, natural and clear alternative to achieving good Mental Health. Instead of the old worn paths of focusing on our problems, Gregg Krech talks about the 4 skills of Acceptance, Co-existence with unpleasant feelings, Attention and Self Reflection.

Gregg expands in detail on these 4 pillars and how to take persistent action regardless of interfering feelings and thoughts. He provides clear concise summaries at the end of each chapter as well as several simple exercises to practice and learn these valuable skills to help us live meaningful and productive lives.

This book is packed full of wisdom. Besides Gregg’s own quotes such as “the more we resist or fight these feelings the stronger they become – its as if the nourishment we give to unpleasant feeling is actually a form of nourishment, like water to a plant …” he also includes some timeless quotes from sages and Zen Masters. Here is a further taste: “When we repeatedly talk about our unpleasant feelings it is easy to fall in the habit of simply complaining and wanting our suffering to be the center of our attention – this isn’t characteristic of mental wellness.”  “Complaining makes us good at complaining.”

Similar to his advice about feelings he also describes the futility of attempting to control our thoughts instead of accepting them as ‘secretions in your head’.

One of the skills of Mental Wellness the author covers is Self Reflection. He describes the process and benefits of a Japanese method called Naikan. I enjoyed how he describes developing a ‘habit of attention’ away from our frequent focus on problems and ruminations about what happened in the past or anticipated future difficulties, but rather towards what we often fail to notice – things that support our existence such as our health, our friends and family. He stresses the importance of gratitude and how Self Reflection gives us an opportunity to view our lives from a different perspective.

The final chapter enlightens us to the importance of living a purposeful life and gently guides us out of our illusory comfort zones and into taking meaningful action and dealing with the inevitable risks.

Not only does this book provide new solutions for readers that have treaded the well worn path of medication and discussions of childhood issues in hopes of improving their lives, but I also recommend their book to anyone who is interested in taking their mental (and physical) health to a new level.

In the interests of full disclosure I should note that I have done several of the ToDo Institutes courses and I have been certified by the ToDo Institute in methods of Japanese Psychology. However, I still highly recommend this book as a simple path to Mental Wellness and a nice introduction to Morita therapy and Naikan.

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Satisfaction in Performing a Simple Task

There is real satisfaction in doing a simple task tastefully – David K Reynolds

For my morning reading I came across one of David K Reynolds books ‘Pools of Lodging for the Moon” and thought this observation from his book could benefit many people who set the aim to live a more consciously aware life.

Pacing Ourselves – Sometimes I find myself hurriedly moving from one task to another, operating at a pace faster than is required by reality. In this world of dizzy activity it is easy to be seduced into habits of rushing about. When I notice the beginning of such tendency I shift my effort to doing the same task with grace and aesthetic emphasis. It isn’t sufficient to tell myself, “Slow down!” My mind is still moving along at a fast clip; my body tries to catch up. So I put that accelerating mind to work finding the most beautiful way to get dressed, to water plants, to dust, to move the furniture, to change the spark plugs in the car. Over the years, our minds learn to do many projects relatively automatically, so the free mental energy becomes nervous energy devoted to speed. The relatively unfamiliar task of finding beauty in an everyday task absorbs the excess energy and results in a natural slowing of our pace of life. And there is real satisfaction in doing a simple task tastefully. – David K Reynolds

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Live in the Moment

While shopping in a small Texas Hill Country town yesterday, I came across this quote on a magnet: “LIVE IN THE MOMENT AND MAKE IT SO BEAUTIFUL THAT IT WILL BE WORTH REMEMBERING.” – Fanny Crosby

Paying attention to the detail of what we are doing helps keep our minds alert and our lives refined.

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The Perfection Trap

In the Merriam Webster dictionary the word perfection is described as “an unsurpassable degree of accuracy or excellence.” Many people find themselves caught in this trap and instead of making progress; one can feel stuck, and unable to take the necessary steps that will lead to the successful completion of a project or task. I often get caught in the perfection trap myself and I can be unproductive for days, even weeks when I allow myself to get hooked. So whether you are cleaning out your den, designing a website, going though paperwork, cutting down on diet soda, trying to stick to a fitness routine or searching for a new job, don’t let yourself get hooked!

Living a successful and rewarding life is not about achieving an unsurpassable degree of excellence, but instead it is about learning to work with the imperfections in ourselves and in our life and discovering and making time for what truly is important and meaningful in our lives. When I feel my perfection tendencies surfacing, I remember these wise words that my yoga teacher shared with me recently from the little book “A Year Of Living Your Yoga” by Judith Hanson Lasater: We are seeking wholeness, not perfection.

Lasater advises that when you get caught in the perfection trap, go and find a wood floor and spend a minute looking at what could be called its imperfections, such as knots, irregular grain, and discolorations. Remember that these imperfections are what gives the floor its beauty and character; they make it real. Allow yourself to grow in wholeness, imperfections and all. Perfectionism can be an “internal barrier” that can block your progress. Try not to get hooked, but if you do, then go and look at the wooden floor in your living room or a wooden coffee table or walk outside and examine your deck closely.

The beauty and uniqueness of what we create can be found in our efforts and results, not in the inner turmoil that occurs when we try so hard to do things perfectly. Give yourself an opportunity to be creative, to explore and discover a new way of getting the important things done while at the same time keeping it realistic and true.


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2012 and Indigo Children

Indigo Children are a blessing in our lives and a great gift to the world. As we move into 2012, it is important that these young ones are understood and seen as the unique, talented and gifted beings they truly are.

If you as a parent or teacher notice the following characteristics in a child then it is possible that they are an Indigo:

They love fairies and dolphins

They look for real, deep and lasting friendships

They love being outdoors in nature

They bond with animals

They have extremely clear, big and wise eyes. Sometimes known as “old eyes”

They are very energetic and active

They know whether they like or dislike a person straight away

Many Indigo children have been diagnosed as having ADD or ADHD

They do not like repetition at school and become bored easily

They love crystals, meditation and yoga

They are usually drawn to poetry, writing and creative activities

Indigo children are very right brain oriented

They are musical

They are highly intelligent and are full of questions and demands

As 2012 draws closer and we move into the Aquarian Age, it is time to welcome in the new, to welcome in the age of peace, love and healing. We need to remain open, aware and attentive to the needs of the Indigo Age. Now is the time to delight in the beauty of our children, ourselves and our planet.

If you would like to find out more about Indigo or Crystal children, please email us at

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Are you an Indigo Child?

Indigo children are a set of children having certain special psychological and spiritual attributes. These children were first popularized in the book "Indigo Children" written by the husband and wife team, Lee Carroll and Jan Tober, with the contribution of medical doctors, psychologists and parents. The adjective "indigo" is used because it is claimed these children appear with an indigo-hued aura. (source:

I often hear this during my readings with clients "Am I, or is my child an Indigo? " or "How can you tell if you are an Indigo?"

Take our quiz below to find out and learn more about Indigo Children:

Indigo Quiz:

1. Do you feel out of place in today's world?

2. Do you perceive the world very differently from most of the people you know?

3. Do you possess a deep desire to help the world by contributing or being of service in some way?

4. Are you prone to insomnia, restless sleep, nightmares or difficulties falling asleep?

5. Do you have difficulty conforming to the ways and norms of society?

6. Do you feel frustration at the thought of leading an average life i.e. marriage, 2 children, picket white fence syndrome?

7. Are you intelligent although do not/did not necessarily achieve top grades at school?

8. Are you very creative in the areas of art, music, science and/or technology?

9. Do you have several on-going projects at any given time and often multi-task?

10. Do you have difficulty with authority: do you need to understand the reason behind what you're being asked to do?

11. Do you opt for leadership positions or working on your own rather than taking a team position?

12. Do you have enormous empathy for others, yet are intolerant of stupidity?

13. Have you had psychic experiences from an early age?

14. Do you have an intense interest in spiritual matters?

15. Do you have food or environmental sensitivities?

16. Do you feel frustrated even hopeless at the 'old' ways of doing things in education, politics or medicine?

17. Do you feel there is a better way of doing things but don't know how to make a difference in the world?

18. Do you have a strong intuition or knowledge of things that are unexplainable or do you often have a feeling that something is about to happen?

19. Do you feel annoyed when you are around superficial people?

20. Do you have an intense desire for truth and honesty?

21. Can you easily see through people's hidden agendas and facades?

22. Do you have an awareness of other dimensions and parallel realities?

Please Note: To be an Indigo you typically will answer Yes to all or at least 20 of the 22 questions.


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Crystal Healing


"Listen to Natures Symphony. It can transport you to places you've never been." – George Helou

Crystals and Gemstones are wonderful healing aids used alone or together with Reiki or Hands-on-Healing technique. The vibrational energies of the crystal/gemstone balances and aligns the Chakra System. There are 7 major chakra's focused on during a healing session. Chakra are energy points in the body that correspond with the Endocrine glands. These need to be balanced and aligned to experience and maintain vibrant health and well being.

Here is a list of the Chakra's and the corresponding Crystals and Gemstones:

Root Chakra: Jasper, Garnet, Onyx, Rubies

Sacral Chakra: Carnelian, Hematite, Moonstone

Solar Plexus Chakra: Citrine, Amber, Topaz

Heart Chakra: Rose Quartz

Throat Chakra: Aquamarine, Turquoise

Third Eye Chakra: Amethyst, Sapphire

Crown Chakra: Clear Quartz, Amethyst

The Healing effect is enhanced if the Crystal is placed on the corresponding Chakra.

Contact Bridget at for an appointment. Available in Austin, Texas.

"God sleeps in the Minerals, awakens in the Plants, walks in the Animals and thinks in You"    – Ancient Sanskrit Saying

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A Course in Weight Loss:21 Spiritual Lessons For Surrendering Your Weight Forever

How to loose excess weight and how to keep it off is a question many people ask every day.

New York Times best-selling author, Marianne Williamson’s latest book “A Course in Weight loss” can show you how to feel comfortable in your own skin and how to surrender your weight forever and give birth to a new, beautiful and loving you!

When Hay House asked me to review “A Course in Weight Loss” and I received a free copy in the mail, I was truly excited!  I believe Marianne Williamson is one of the most influential spiritual teachers of our time and if you have read any of her previous books, such as “A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of a Course in Miracles” or “Illuminata: Thoughts, Prayers, Rites of Passage” I’m sure you have come to realize the great wisdom and love contained in her teachings.

“A Course in Weight Loss” is no exception. This book is not just about what you eat, but instead it is more about letting go of your fear and replacing it with an immeasurable love. Williamson provides 21 lessons to help you explore and understand the root of your suffering and she guides you in ways in which you can cultivate new strengths. This is a journey into conscious weight-loss. Marianne says ” It is conscious in that it goes beyond the mere letting go of weight; it is a letting go of the part of your personality for which eating excessively and self-destructively has felt natural. Your losing weight is not just the removal of excess weight from your body; it is the removal of unwanted dynamic from your mind. You are building new synapses in your brain, new tracks in your nervous system, and new thoughts-forms in your problem-solving repertoire.”

Getting involved in the lessons will show you the deeper joy you are searching for is not found in food but rather in living fully and embracing life. If you are ready to participate in a profound spiritual journey and return to your truest self, then this book will gently help you face your biggest fear, that of giving birth to a new you. If you are ready to be free, to be extraordinary, to be your most joyful self, then this book and it’s 21 lessons will help you align yourself with the lightness of your true being so that the heavy energies of addictive and compulsive eating and unhealthy lifestyle choices will fall away of their own dead weight.

This book is written for people who are ready to look at the deeper causes of their suffering and pain. It requires an honest, sometimes difficult examination of your unprocessed pain and how it may be expressing itself as a desire to eat more than your body requires to stays healthy. In Lesson One, Williamson gives you an opportunity to explore feelings of shame, fear, anger, unforgiveness and many more emotions that may be holding you back from living fully in the light of love. As you continue on with the lessons you will learn how to replace old, unproductive, unhealthy habits with a new, vibrant and fresh way of being in the world. You will be given the tools to create a new life, step-by-step. However this does require a commitment and time set aside everyday to read the lesson, write in a journal, take action in new ways, and quiet time for reflection and prayer. I would not recommend this book for someone who cannot find at least 1 hour a day to focus on the lessons and who does not want to approach weight loss from a spiritual perspective.

If you are ready to take a deep and honest look at your life and your eating patterns, then I truly believe that this book can change your life. This book is a priceless gift for anyone who wishes to break free from the crippling restrictions and limitations that come from living a life filled with fear. It is a valuable resource for anyone who wants to live a life filled with more love and light.

If you would like to purchase A Course in Weight Loss by Marianne Williamson, please go to Amazon and order your copy now.

“The real you has a natural wisdom for how best to eat”

– Marianne Williamson

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