Success Is Not Frozen In Time!

"We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them. Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value" Albert Einstein

Life is constantly changing and we are always being brought more opportunities, more challenges and more chances to love with an open heart and mind. Goals that were important to you last year this time, may have little value or significance now, regardless of whether you achieved them or not.  

Success is not frozen in time but is continually evolving, just as your goals and aspirations are changing with each year that passes by. At the age of 20 it may be an important goal to back- pack around Europe or Central America for 2 weeks, whereas someone in their late 60's may prefer to set a goal of going on a transatlantic cruise during the summer. Each one of us is changing and maturing and each phase of life needs to be met with a fresh attitude and open mind. It is important to remember that success is not static.

How long does it stay a success? Often we are so eager to move onto our next goal that we do not allow ourselves to fully indulge our senses in the new car, the newly remodeled kitchen or the job promotion. Take time to value life and all it's blessings for soon the success will pass and a new cycle of opportunities, challenges and blessings will be presented to you.

Roz Savage who became the first woman to row solo across the Pacific Ocean said in an interview ‘I accepted that mistakes are a fact of life, an inevitable consequence of being adventurous and trying new things. I realized that it matters less whether something is a success or a failure, and matters more what I learned from the experience." Well said, Roz!

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Numerology and the Meaning of Numbers

Have you ever wondered what meanings may lurk beneath a number, perhaps one that keeps reappearing in your life? Since time immemorial humankind has wondered about the nature of number and how it relates to life.

Numerologists believe that there are nine unique archetypes corresponding to nine cycles of development – the numbers 1 through 9. These numbers are also called Core Numbers or, Digital Root Numbers. Since Compound Numbers are merely combinations of these 9 Core Numbers, understanding the meaning of a number is predicated upon a thorough examination of these Roots.

We shall now examine the evolution of these Root Numbers. We begin with the Zero. This is the un-manifest where everything exists in potential. The Zero neither contains nor is contained by any number. It exists outside of any cycle. When the Zero is added to any number it symbolizes a perfection of that number's meaning. Although 1 is the root of 10, 10 is not strictly synounymous with 1. This is because the addition of the Zero signifies a perfecting of the 1 influence, in effect moving out of the cycle of 1 through 9 and into a higher order – 10 through 19. When Zero is added to a number it tends to bring a universal responsibility to its root number. It is out of this formless perfection that some-thing appears. Moving out of the formless realm of the Zero is some One thing which is whole, unified, and independent of the Zero.

Our symbol for The Number One, 1, is a pillar. A phallic shape. The one is a masculine energy that strikes out on its own and pioneers what is new, original, and seething with energy. This One is the irreducible fact of consciousness, the eternal I AM. Between the Zero and the One all other numbers have their being. As soon as the One appears it is placed in relation to the un-manifest Zero.

For the One to be One at all it must be independent of something hence, the arising of The Number Two. The Two brings about a relationship, it holds within it the strength of the One but with a humbleness reflected in its character. The symbol itself, 2, reveals a man at prayer bowing to some greater power (1). Once we recognize the arising of self and our relationship to something 'higher' (be it g-d, nature, principle or idea) we feel the need to express this understanding.

The Number Three brings us into the social sphere. Out of the un-manifest Zero, 0, an independent form arises, 1, which brings us into an essential relation, 2, which we need to in some way express, 3. The character of the Three, 3, reflects this openness in its form. It is open at its top, receiving the higher influences, and open at its bottom, expressing those influences to others. If what we express is to be of lasting value we must work to create a solid foundation – the Four. Many projects falter before reaching this point, making it to Three but never bridging the gap between expressing a higher ideal, 3, and embodying a higher ideal, 4. In order to maintain its balance the 4 must close off or limit the influence it is working with.

The Number Four takes the ideas expressed by the Three and adds a self-imposed limitation, creating a stabile and enduring foundation.

After the discipline of the Four we encounter the change and activity of The Number Five, in effect testing the solidity of our foundation. The Five, 5, turns itself around and introduces freedom and adventure. It is open in both the front and the back. It is a point where decisions must be made, and true to its form, those decisions could radically alter the outcome.

The freedom introduced to the Four through the Five brings about a new balance symbolized in The Number Six. It simultaneously broadens the limits of the Four and places the necessary responsibility upon the five. The Six, 6, is pregnant with love. It is the number of family and social responsibility. The social responsibilities of the Six create a need to understand and gain insight, a need to find some way of placing experiences into a meaningful whole.

The Number Seven questions and seeks answers to the grand riddle of life. It is a number of magical, mystical maturity. Its character, 7, may be likened to an old man bent over with age or perhaps, carrying a staff or lantern that casts its light into the darkness surrounding it. It is the number of introspection, planning, and inner searching. Through the control, insight and planning that emerges with the Seven we realize that we reap what we sow.

The Number Eight becomes a carrier of dynamic power and the success of the seeds planted all the way back with the One. Its character, 8, reveals a perfect balance between the world of ideas and the world of action. It is closed off indicating the power that will bring ideas into fruition.

After the rewards bestowed by the Eight we realize we are reaching the end, The Number Nine. As we confront this ending the focus shifts from the material to the spiritual. Selfless service and universal ideas become paramount. The character of the Nine, 9, is very much like the Six, 6. Whereas the Six sends its love to the material world of family and friends, the Nine closes the cycle by returning its love and compassion to higher ideals. And again we are faced with the Zero. We may start a new cycle, beginning once again with One. It is possible we may continue our endeavor and raise the One to the relative perfection of the Ten, learning lessons of a higher order. In either case, we find everything between nothing (0) and something (1).

Jakob Steele invites you to sign up for his monthly newsletter at

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Be True To Yourself!

At bottom every man knows well enough that he is a unique being, only once on this earth; and by no extraordinary chance will such a marvelously picturesque piece of diversity in unity as he is, ever be put together a second time.  ~Friedrich Nietzsche

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Focus On What you Can Control

Sometimes in life we can waste a lot of time and energy focusing on things that are beyond our control, such as the weather, traffic, someone else's behavior. Imagine how powerful you would be if you learnt how to focus your energy, your time and attention on what you could control, such as your thoughts and behavior! This is where our true power lies!

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Count Your Blessings – Benefits of Feeling More Gratitude

Gratitude is so much more than just a "feel good" emotion. Feeling gratitude is your connection to your spirit as you share in the beauty of life. Gratitude is your spirit playing with life, looking for the many good things, both large and small, that happen every moment. Gratitude is a genuine soul-felt appreciation for being personally involved with life.

The more gratitude we feel, the more optimism, relaxation, and overall happiness we experience. That's because focusing on gratitude shifts our attention away from stress and worry and has us look at the bright side of things. Concentrating on things we are grateful for brings us deep into our divinity, beyond the conflict and drama, where we can focus on what is most important to us. What we focus on expands. One of the greatest gifts anyone can give to themselves and to the world, is the gift of gratitude. Gratitude is not about being loving and happy only when life is ideal. Instead, gratitude is an awareness that while things may not always be perfect, life is still filled with wonder and beauty. It's right there, in front of our eyes, within reach, available to us – all we have to do is take a breath and allow ourselves to participate in the beauty.

If you've spent a better part of your time lately focusing on what's wrong, what's bad, what's frightening, or what's missing, then you might be surprised at how easy it can be to turn things around. The simplest exercise is to begin writing a daily gratitude journal. In addition, below are some innovative ways to expand gratefulness that will soon have you feeling the spirit of genuine appreciation and joy.

1. Begin and End Your Day With Gratitude Imagine beginning and ending each day with an expression of gratitude for the blessings in your life. Instead of rushing into your day, or inattentively falling into bed every night, consider taking a moment to generate a sense of gratitude for life and all good things. Each morning and each evening recall five things (people, events, memories, smiles, etc.) you are grateful for. Enlarging your feelings of genuine thankfulness doesn't take much time, but you do need to be willing to slow down and make room for it.

2. Be Present By allowing yourself to come back to the present moment, you can let go of resistance and struggle. Instead of dwelling on our perceived shortcomings, inadequacies, weaknesses, or deficiencies, find something good about right now. By breathing into this present moment, you let go of the past and return from an imagined "worst outcome" future. Several times throughout the day, pause, and breathe deeply. Then consciously look for your often overlooked strengths, talents, and abilities. Look for evidence that you already have some of what you want more of in your life. Breathe into that joy and choose for it to expand.

3. Eat Good Food I love food. I love to eat it. I love to cook with it. I love to grow it. I love to smell it, touch it, and taste it. And I'm so incredibly grateful for the abundance of colorful, fresh, healthy food. However, many people overeat without truly being grateful for the experience of eating. To increase gratitude in life, pay attention to the joy of eating. Pay attention to your innate preference for color, flavor, sweetness, saltiness, crunchiness, and tartness. Be newly aware of where certain food flavors activate specific areas of your tongue. Be present as you chop some vegetables, stir some batter, or fry an egg. Share the love that you are with the action of eating, cooking, and digesting. By gaining a deep gratitude for food, you gain new appreciation for your body, your senses, and the importance of discovering a wealth of joy within you.

4. Love is in the Details Intensify gratitude by paying attention to the small everyday details of life. If you want to increase the enjoyment of your overall life, then enjoy the small details everywhere. For example, instead of blindly walking through your day, activate your senses as you feel the sun on your skin, smell the bright red roses, look deeply into the eyes of a kindred soul, and let your heart smile as children giggle past you in the mall. Paying attention to the small details enables you to expand your awe of life.

5. Switch Off the Autopilot Have you ever driven home from work and not really remembered the journey? Sure, you got home safely, but without being thinking about it, feeling it, or even noticing it. It's easy to live your whole life on autopilot – going through the motions, doing what you are supposed, going to bed, and getting up and doing it all over again the next day. Get out of living your life on automatic by being interested in life. Starting today, commit to making conscious choices as you go about all the activities of your daily life.

6. Awaken Your Passion Take a step out of the day-to-day noise, confusion, and stress, and deliberately do things that you love. Don't overwhelm yourself looking for your one big underlying true purpose in life. Your passions don't have to be earth shattering events. Instead, focus on the activities that bring joy to your heart. This can be simply turning off the television and going for a quiet walk around a pond in the evening, sitting in front of a fire at night and toasting marshmallows, or getting involved in a new hobby. Experiment, pay more attention to the things you do, and find a way to make them interesting. Then watch as gratitude expands and fills every fiber of your being.

Like anything else, cultivating gratitude is a choice and process. Simply make a decision to feel more gratitude, and then seek out activities, actions, and choices that make you feel grateful. Before long, your life will become a beautiful expression of gratitude.

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Business Principles in Atlantis – Bringing Them Into Your Work

The civilisation of Atlantis lasted for 240,000 years, during which there was a period of 1500 years, called the Golden Age, when the energy was the highest it has ever been on the planet. During this time everyone was happy, successful and prosperous. So how did they maintain this halcyon state? What can you learn now from their ancient wisdom? How can you bring back the power to succeed with integrity? You already understand and possibly practise the efficacy of some of the principles but others are equally important for one hundred percent success.

How to succeed as they did in Atlantis:

1. Do what makes your heart sing From childhood, the Alanteans were encouraged to develop their inherent skills and talents. Everyone is happy doing what they have a natural aptitude for and in those, each individual did what he most loved to do. To do anything else would have been unthinkable! And business thrives when your heart is it. Happiness, contentment and sense of worth are magnetic qualities, so enthusiasm, sense of satisfaction and enjoyment automatically attract customers to trade with you or like-minded people to work with you. Most of us know that the greatest gift we can give to our children is to be happy, for then they realize they do not have to try harder, be different, pussyfoot round us or do anything to support us. When they have permission to be themselves and are appreciated exactly as they are, they are happy too. But how does this apply in business? The principle is the same. If for example you are a shop or business owner, your feelings attract staff, premises, products and most important of all, customers, who are metaphorically speaking your children. If you, the owner are doing what makes your heart sing, your aura is an irresistible force that draws people in to assist and support the venture, and they will arrive in their hundreds for your goods or services. Your products and services all radiate energy. Customers and clients will be subtly repelled by negative feelings, which may surround goods as a result of the way they were made, transported or handled. Happy frequencies however dissolve lower ones, so you can transmute that negativity into a magnetic glow. Your customers will sense this, so books and other treasures will fly from your shelves and your customers will come back for more. Constantly bless your products and your customers. This subtly confers a beautiful divine energy to everything and makes people feel good. Money automatically comes in when your thoughts and beliefs are aligned to your vision.

2. Act with total honesty, openness and integrity In the Golden Age of Atlantis everyone could read auras, so there was no point in being anything other than one hundred percent honest. Because everything was open and above board, there were no subliminal messages or secret deals and everyone felt totally safe for there was nothing hidden to harm them. They trusted others and relaxed completely. It is interesting to observe what happens when modern day business people decide that, no matter what, they are going to be totally upfront, and will act with complete integrity. The customers trust, relax their defences and respond by bringing out their credit cards. Although I don't have a shop, I sell my books, cards and CD's at my seminars. I also work with my teachers who run my teaching courses and angel correspondence course. From the beginning I chose to act with integrity but not always with openness. Then I decided that too must be done and I would share with anyone who asked, information about profits and costs. I gave my teachers up to date financial details about all the courses and invited them to ask any questions. The feeling of trust was tangible and resulted in an astonishing surge in helpfulness, co-operation and higher sales.

3. Develop your intuition In the West we are left brain dominant, so we are taught and encouraged to rely on our rational, planning, numerical mind. In contrast the abundant Atlanteans knew that well honed intuition is more effective than all the rational thinking and calculating in the world. When you work with the left brain, you have the use of your mind computer to crunch numbers, and this is very effective as a back up. However the right brain connects you to creative ideas, the ability to see the overall picture and guidance from the higher spiritual realms. From here come impulses of pure genius, extraordinary new ideas and concepts, as well as brilliant solutions you would never ordinarily have thought of. In order to connect with the powers of your right brain, give yourself time to relax and fall into a reflective state. Into this calm, receptive state of mind the angels can drop higher guidance and creative innovations. There are, of course, other advantages to giving yourself time to contemplate. Your health improves; you feel more at peace; relationships get better and your intuition is sharply attuned.

4. See the best in everyone In the Golden Times the people consciously and actively looked for the best in everyone and, not surprisingly others responded positively to this. When someone seeks the divine in you, you automatically like them, your heart opens and you cannot do enough for them. In this plane of duality, we have temporarily lost our knowing of Oneness and we create separation by running a video in our heads, judging ourselves and others. Just as we are aware of atmospheres even though we cannot see, feel or touch them, we all sense if someone is criticizing us. When this happens we automatically and unconsciously put up our barriers. When we feel accepted as we are, we feel liberated. When you genuinely accept yourself and your clients with all their foibles, without judgment, they will flock towards you and lovingly pay for your goods or services.

5. Use your mental powers to manifest your dreams In Atlantis quite young children were taught to develop their mental powers. They learned to relax deeply and make vivid pictures in their minds, which is, of course, the basis of manifestation. Many of the current relaxation tapes on offer follow Atlantean principles. Traders would visualise the success they wanted, without stress or attachment, for the highest good. They trusted that the Universe would respond to these instructions and acted on the assumption that whatever they had focussed on would soon appear. So, they prepared for it and consequently their businesses always succeeded. The Universal Computer has a magical way of providing the best for everyone.We live in an abundant Universe, where there is enough success, happiness, peace and love for everyone. Only guilt, fear and doubt sabotage success. We have heard a million times that each individual creates his own reality and it is true. If five similar businesses set up in the same area and they all had positive and abundant minded owners, they would all succeed. There is no such thing as too much competition only fear of the results of competition. The Universal Computer will give you whatever you believe. Think, talk and act as if you have plenty. Then all your needs will be supplied and the Universe will back you up. Remember poverty consciousness repels success. Abundance consciousness attracts it.  When you still your mind, deeply relax your body and envision what you want to manifest, you are setting into motion Cosmic Forces. You must be clear about what you want. When you lack clarity your muddled thoughts give contradictory instructions to the Universe and this prevents your dreams from coming to fruition. When you hold a vision without doubt or deviation it must come true. Most business ideas founder because we let doubt creep in and give the Powers that Be mixed messages. The Atlanteans understood the power of symbols, so step 4 of the following exercise will enable you to set all your forces going in the same direction and that helps to energise your goal.

Exercise to manifest your success:

Step 1. Get really clear about what you want. Do you want to work full or part-time, for a large or small company, do you want to own your own business? Decide what you want, or at least what your next step is. You may need to brain storm this with friends or write down different possibilities until you get it right. You will know if it is perfect for you because it feels good inside. Trust the message your body give you.

Step 2. Light a candle. Sit quietly and breathe in and out of every part of your body. Imagine a soft golden light filling each and every cell.

Step 3. Picture your outcome and emotionally feel the satisfaction, excitement, happiness and success that comes from this vision. Step 4 Imagine you are driving a two horse chariot, one animal is white and the other black. The white horse is galloping towards the hoped for success. The black one is racing towards your doubts. As a result you are being pulled all over the place and using up your energy controlling the situation. Picture yourself stopping the chariot. Get down and talk to the horses. Thank them for the wonderful work they have been doing. Tell them exactly where you want them to head and ask them to work in harness together to help you reach your destination quickly and easily. Then climb into the chariot and, with your horses pulling together, see yourself moving swiftly towards your goal. Every few days or so, you can check in to see how the two horses are doing.

6. Give and receive in equal measure The Atlanteans never accrued karma for they never gave without receiving and never received without giving. All stayed in perfect balance. How does this translate to modern business? So many New Age business people are warm hearted, magnanimous people, who are constantly giving. If you are always pouring out your energy, time and gifts and do not feel you are receiving a just return, you have become a victim or martyr, open to abuse. Because you do not recognise your worth, neither do others. You are not valued and your business withers. The answer is to maintain a balance, for when you remain generous and open hearted, while respecting what you are offering, your due reward must come to you.

7. Work with the Angel of your business The Atlanteans were open to their angels and drew freely on their help. Your business has an angel who looks after it, just as you have a Guardian Angel who watches over you. The angel of your business is longing to help you but cannot do so unless you ask. Here are a few things that your angel can assist you with. They will help find things that are lost or mislaid. They will enable you to find the right colleagues, staff and harmonize relationships. They will draw customers in. They will help you choose the right clients or projects to put your energy into. They will bring you success.

How to meet the angel of your business :

1.Find a place where you can be quiet and undisturbed.

2.Play soft, restful music and light a candle.

3.Mentally tell the angel of your business that you would like to connect.

4.In your mind's eye walk round your business and sense where your angel is.

5.Sense the colour and height of your Guardian.

6.Thank it for looking after your business.

7.If you wish to do so, ask its name and accept the first one that drops into your head.

8.Explain your situation and ask for the help you need.

9.Stay open to impressions and promptings.

10.Imagine a cloak of protective light being placed over you.

11.Open your eyes. Whenever you enter your business place, acknowledge your angel and start a dialogue with it – though it may seem to start as a monologue. When your lines of communication become clearer you will receive more and more impressions and tangible help. Enjoy your success.

Diana Cooper is well known for her spiritual books and workshops about Angels, Ascension, Atlantis, Orbs and Spiritual Laws. Her books include; Discover Atlantis, Angel Answers, Angel Cards, Wisdom Cards, A little light on Ascension, A little light on Spiritual Laws and many others. She works with her guide Kumeka and has inspired thousands of people to connect with their own angels and guides for healing and transformation. She is the Principal of the Diana Cooper School of Angels and Ascenscion.

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Just Pay Attention!

Each one of us has the potential to lead a richer and more meaningful life and the simplest way to do this is to learn to pay attention! Just pay attention! This may sound easy but this is a skill that needs to be developed through practice.


I had a wonderful opportunity to practice paying attention and being more mindful during the Working with Your Attention course run by the ToDo Institute, and I know that through continued practice this skill can add richness, beauty and exquisite moments to the average day. Practicing this skill turns an ordinary day into an extraordinary day. It opens one up to the sumptuousness of nature, the intricate beauty of each face, each hand and each smile. Paying attention to each moment teaches us how to live with more gratitude and appreciation, as we witness how marvelously every aspect of our life is woven together. Life can develop more meaning when we become a good observer of all that is happening around us.

Each event that happens will affect us, and what affects us molds us into the people we will one day become and how we will choose to live our lives. Life can be a rewarding, abundant and beautiful journey or it can be dull, boring and repetitive. What we choose to pay attention to will ultimately shape our lives and our legacy!

I believe that one of the major reasons why people are not happy with their lives is that they just keep trying to get through the day, get through the week or merely survive until their 2 week vacation comes around each year. A more commendable challenge would be to try and be present in each moment and to be mindful as the day unfolds, to look for the extraordinary moments and the beauty that surrounds and supports us continually.

It is important that we become attuned and sensitive enough to observe and contemplate what is happening all around us. Remain alert, be awake, and be conscious! Life is sending you sweet and delicate messages all the time; allow these messages to touch your heart and mind. Often, the most astonishing opportunities are revealed in the seemingly unimportant events. If you do not develop the skill of living mindfully and paying attention to the unfolding events in life, you may easily miss important opportunities. So learn to be attentive and pay attention to life and the wonders of the world around you! Just pay attention, it's just this moment. The wonder and the magnificence can all be found in the present moment, and in each moment all is well.

"Let the water settle; you will see the moon and stars mirrored in your being." –Jelaluddin Rumi

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Experience Your Good Now!

Book Review: Louise L. Hay

Experience Your Good Now! Learning to Use Affirmation.

Louise L. Hay is one of my all time favorite authors and I have great respect and gratitude for her pioneer efforts in the field of alternate healing and self-empowerment. I first came to understand the power of using positive affirmations in the early 1990's when I came across her book "You Can Heal Your Life" and "The Power is Within You." Reading these books changed my outlook on life in numerous ways, and by implementing her suggestions my life has become rich and meaningful.  So when Hay House asked me to review her latest book "Experience Your Good Now!" and I received a free copy in the mail, I was truly delighted!

Louise Hay's latest book is well presented, and even though it appears to be a small book, it is full of wisdom and action-orientated exercises to help facilitate positive and productive changes in your life. The book also includes a free affirmation CD, which runs for about 65 minutes. The CD is a great companion to use in the car or any other time you want to feel good. Louise Hay offers insightful tips and affirmations to help improve every area of your life. Whether you need to improve your health, addictive behaviors, relationships, fearful emotions, critical thinking, money, career, and more, you will find an abundance of positive affirmations and constructive ideas to help change your thinking and learn how to cultivate more joy, peace, love, purpose and creativity.

This book takes you on a journey to examine your deeply held beliefs and thought-patterns. It provides a wealth of information to help you release old ways of thinking that no longer serve your highest good, and it will show you how to create new, healthy and constructive ways of thinking and living your life. Louise says "Think happy thoughts. It's that simple. And it's doable." She goes on to say "Now….today….this moment…you can choose to change your thinking. Your life won't turn around overnight, but if you're consistent and make the choice on a daily basis to think thoughts that make you feel good, you'll definitely make positive changes in every area of your life."

Working with affirmations is experiential, and in order to receive the full benefits you need to make at least a 30 day commitment. Reading the book and following through with the exercises is really about making a commitment to improving the quality of your life. Many people give up after a few days, or hold a belief that this is too simple and can't possibly bring about solid and lasting results, but don't be fooled because with conscious effort using affirmations, doing mirror work and cultivating a more positive outlook on life you can bring about remarkable changes. You just have to do it! If you are ready to create a better life for yourself and to take responsibility for your own wellbeing and happiness then this book will be a charming companion on your spiritual journey.

This little book will show you how to release all limitations and enhance your everyday life, moment-by-moment, as you learn how to retrain your thinking. I believe that one of the most important things we can do this lifetime is to take the time to look at our habitual thoughts and deeply ingrained beliefs that are blocking and limiting us from living fully and vibrantly. Louise Hay states ‘Sometimes what you want and what you believe you deserve are two different things" and she will show you ways in her book of how to bridge this gap and how to align with joy.

If you feel stuck in your life or if you are tired of attracting the same unconstructive experiences into your life, or if you want to increase the joy in your life and live with more awareness, then I highly recommend this book. You have the power to make wonderful changes; all you need to do is make a commitment to improve your life, and as your life gets better, you will affect the lives of those around you in a positive way. The only way for you to discover the power of affirmations is to implement it, to just go ahead and do it, and once you shift, change or heal your life in some way, then you will be a firm believer! The real magic is in the doing!

As Albert Einstein said "No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it." Louise Hay in Experience Your Good Now can show you how to change your thinking and your consciousness and thereby change and heal your life! Don't be fooled by the simplicity of this book and underestimate it's wisdom.

I truly believe Louise Hay is one of the giants of spiritual self help and she proves it again in this small volume. Thank you Louise!

If you would like to purchase Experience Your Good Now by Louise L. Hay you can order it at Amazon.

In celebration of the release of Louise Hay's latest book, Hay House is offering a chance to win a week at sea on their I Can Do It! At Sea Caribbean Cruise in January 2011. Enter to win at


"You're under the laws of your own consciousness, your own thoughts, and you attract specific experiences to you as a result of the way you think."

~Louise L. Hay

(Note that as part of the Hay House New Release Reviewer's Program, all the books I receive from Hay House are free and I do not receive any financial compensation.)

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Your Task Is Not To Seek For Love…..

My Grandparents will be celebrating their 70th wedding anniversary next October. I have had the privilege of being able to witness them love, laugh, learn and grow together. Looking at them sitting side-by-side on the couch they appear to be the perfect match; they are totally in tune with one another and hardly need to use words to communicate with each other anymore. They got married in 1941 and their marriage has endured World War II and so much more. They have shared a life of mixed blessings together. They have journeyed through the lowest valleys and soared high above the mountain tops together, and all along their bond and commitment to each other and their family has flourished.

So what makes a relationship thrive, mature and endure the ever-changing seasons of life? How can we grow old with our beloved and be the elderly couple, who sits on the front porch sipping lemonade together on a warm spring day, or the couple who attends the great-grandkids birthday parties together, or the couple that still sends special valentine notes to each other after 68 years together?  These are the questions I ponder often when I reflect on my own marriage of 11 years! In my quest for finding out more about what creates a meaningful and fulfilling relationship, I decided to participate in a month long intensive online program on Renewing Your Relationship and I must say that during the month of taking time out to reflect on my relationship and having some long thought provoking conversations with my Grandparents ( my Grandmother in particular loves to give advice especially when it comes to making families stronger and healthier ), I feel as if I have gained a deeper understanding of how an intimate relationship can grow and blossom into something consequential, resilient, loving, supportive, fun-filled and beautiful! I think Rumi knew a lot about love, and here is one of my favorite quotes "Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it."

I believe that in a search for love, we often look outside ourselves and focus more on getting the love we want, instead of focusing on giving love. We have closed our hearts to love; maybe we have been hurt deeply and just do not want to feel so deeply anymore.  So instead of remaining open to love, we begin to shut down and create barriers and shields around our hearts for protection. Unfortunately when we live this way we block ourselves off from experiencing one of the most profound human experiences and that is to give and receive love! Here are a few tips gathered from some wise people on how to dissolve the barriers within yourself that you may have built against love. When you let the walls come down, you will feel your heart open, and you will feel more peaceful, more alive and joyful:

1. Practice the Art of Acceptance: Learn to stay aware and let go of the trivialities and small things that upset you. Understand that we all have different opinions and viewpoints and therefore remember that your opinion is only one of many.

2.  Remember to do the Small Things: Constantly remind yourself of the things that your partner likes and enjoys and make a point of doing things together that you know brings your partner delight.

3. Focus on Giving Love: Try giving love without expecting something in return, without expecting that energy exchange. Remember that you can never out give the Universe and that giving to your beloved is a good place to start!

4. Make time for your Beloved: Relationships with spouses can often get bumped down the to-do list with things like work, hobbies, and the kids taking top priority. A marriage relationship can often get neglected unless you put special time aside to connect with your partner.

5. Focus on the Good: Find things to compliment your partner about, put energy into the things you have in common and enjoy doing together and remember to focus on the blessings you receive from your partner each day, even the small things such as having a partner who can open the jar of imported olives for you, or a partner who makes the bed every morning, or who keeps the car clean and maintained!

6. Practice the Art of Listening: Communication is vital. Learn to focus your complete attention on your partner and truly listen to what they have to say without interrupting them.

Every moment of our lives provides us with an opportunity to renew our relationship with our beloved and with ourselves. Each moment gives us a chance to live more fully by embracing the imperfection of ourselves and our world. When we can accept the beauty along with the unattractive qualities we find present in our mate, we learn to flow with life instead of resisting the things we find unpleasant. This can teach you how to find freedom in a world where intimate relationships can become full of control, manipulation, stress and pain. Once you surrender and accept that things are just as they are, you can focus on what really counts, and that is connecting deeply with your partner, having fun, laughing and growing together while enjoying this incredible experience we call life! Remember that relationships go through many phases and experience many ups-and -downs, the important thing is that you don't give up when your relationship falls down, but rather that you get up and keep on dancing!

I get up.

I walk

I Fall down.

Meanwhile I keep on Dancing

~ Hillel

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Everyone Has Been Made For Some Particular Work

Learn to trust and follow your deep desires and inspirations, this will help you to fulfill your purpose on earth.

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