Tag Archives: Mindfulness

Intentional Focus: Your Happiness and Success

What have you been focusing on lately? On how well life is going for you? Or on how much business you’ve been doing compared to last year, or how well your superiors have been rating you? Or on how much … Continue reading

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The Art of Paying Attention

 Life is denied by lack of attention, whether it be to cleaning windows or trying to write a masterpiece. ~ Nadia Boulanger    Paying attention to the world around you can teach you how to live in a natural flow of … Continue reading

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Help for Neglected Relationships

It is not often that I recommend a course or an on-line program but this one is an exception. I have participated in the Renewing your Relationship online course run by the ToDo Institute and it is a wonderful program … Continue reading

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Live Fully Now

HOW TO MAXIMIZE YOUR POTENTIAL – On-line course coming soon! Carol O’Dowd and Bridget Mendelman, will be offering an on-line course teaching skills to help maximize your potential and awaken to the opportunities present in your life.   The course … Continue reading

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Satisfaction in Performing a Simple Task

There is real satisfaction in doing a simple task tastefully – David K Reynolds For my morning reading I came across one of David K Reynolds books ‘Pools of Lodging for the Moon” and thought this observation from his book … Continue reading

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Just Pay Attention!

Each one of us has the potential to lead a richer and more meaningful life and the simplest way to do this is to learn to pay attention! Just pay attention! This may sound easy but this is a skill … Continue reading

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Unwrapping Life’s Gifts

I have just finished decorating the Christmas tree, a tradition I have enjoyed for many years. As each year passes, I am reminded of the many blessings I have received. Each ornament tells a special story, a decoration from our … Continue reading

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Creating Miracle’s

  How would you like every moment of every day to feel like one miracle happening after another? How would you like to accomplish your goals and realize your dreams without undue struggle or strain? It’s possible. It’s called living … Continue reading

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